Recognizing the need for more sustainable modes of transportation, Campus Recreation is launching a new Bike Shop initiative. The CSF grant funding would allow students to rent a bike for a reduced fee, increasing access for those who want to start riding their bikes to class. The initiative would consolidate existing campus programming and operations into a single location, as well as launch a long-term bike rental service. The bike rental fee includes basic maintenance and tune-ups. The Campus Bike Shop would provide information sessions and courses on bike repair, maintenance, and safety in addition to mechanic services. This project would reduce demand for fossil-fuel-intensive modes of transportation, improve air quality, and promote individual health through increased cardiovascular exercise.
With over 1000 combined student and staff hours, the Campus Bike Shop has 50 bikes ready to rent! For the first semester of operation, 18 bikes were rented. By the end of the Spring 2024 semester, the Campus Bike Shop rented 56 bikes. Their shop offers 40 single-speed, 11 3-speed, and 5 cruiser bikes. For the Fall 2023 semester they had 35 bikes rented out and 26 bikes for the Spring 2024 semester.
With the Campus Bike Shop offering mechanical services, they were able to provide 12 visits for tune-ups and repairs for the 2023-24 academic year.
As the project ends, the Campus Bike Shop has become self-sustaining and with the support of the Outdoor Recreation staff and students, they plan to further expand the program.
Read more about their program on the Outdoor Rec website!