Campus Pantry Bulk Foods Program

Grant Type
Annual Grant
Project Status
Award Period
Awarded Amount
Amount Used
Award Period (2)
Awarded Amount (2)
Award Period (3)
Awarded Amount (3)
Project Description

The Bulk Foods Program is an exciting new initiative of the University of Arizona's Campus Pantry, supported by the Campus Sustainability Fund, that aims to increase the inventory and variety of food items available at distributions in order to ensure everyone has equal access to food and to become more comprehensive in addressing basic needs and food insecurity. Users will be able to select from a variety of dried food items such as rice, beans, and grains to be stored in reusable containers through this no-waste bulk foods program. Containers will be provided at no cost and can be returned to any distribution to be refilled, reducing the amount of single-use plastic packaging produced by some non-perishable commodities.

jars lined up and labeled with a sticker reading "Campus Pantry"
Associated Students for the University of Arizona
Project Manager
Bridgette Riebe
Project Manager (secondary)
Richard (RJ) Reliford