Written by Genesisgalilea Herrera and Emily Haworth
Happy fall semester, Wildcats! We hope your semester is going well. The Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) is excited to share a little bit about what we’ve been up to in recent months and introduce the members of this year’s Committee!
Maybe you heard from the Daily Wildcat’s recent article how the CSF is a program of the Office of Sustainability that offers both Mini and Annual grants to support climate and social sustainability projects both on and off campus! These projects focus on waste reduction, food, social justice, carbon reduction, and so much more. Our website provides further information on Mini Grants and Annual Grants. The CSF also supports Indigenous-Centered Mini Grants of up to $5,000 for Indigenous-focused projects that contribute to sustainability. If you’re curious about a few of the current active grants, check out the webpages for FORCE Feminist Pharmacy, Native Plant Gardens, Campus Bike Shop Initiative, and Indigeponics.

The CSF Committee consists of six student employees, one full-time coordinator, and one staff advisor. The Committee's ideal project provides the opportunity to directly impact campus sustainability while providing experience in project management to students and campus community members. CSF members provide an active role as Project Facilitators for approved projects and help Project Managers throughout the period of their projects. After each year, an Annual Summary that reflects the accomplishments from each semester is shared with campus. The summary includes all the details regarding projects and grants that were distributed while also acknowledging student engagement and leadership from each project.
The Campus Sustainability Fund is committed to making funding decisions in the best interest of the entire student body and accepting grants that focus on the advancement of sustainability. Each Committee member provides a different outlook and role within the program that allows for a diverse set of perspectives when reviewing grant applications. Our shared interest in making campus a more sustainable place has created a sense of community within the committee.

This year’s Committee is a wonderful one, comprised of two members who have been with the Fund since 2021, and four members who have joined just in the last calendar year. We’re really excited to introduce them to you!
Madison Gerdes
A little bit about me:
Hi! My name is Madison, and I'm one of the Outreach and Connections Specialists for the Fund. I’m a Senior majoring in Environmental Science with a minor in Astronomical Studies, and I got into sustainability because I realized my passion for the environment was something I could turn into a meaningful career.
How does being part of the CSF Committee prepare you for the job you’d like to have in the future?
Being a part of the CSF Committee is so important to me and any future jobs I get, as I get to have a hand in so many different sustainability initiatives on campus, and seeing our projects come to fruition reminds me that even students can have huge positive impacts on our sustainability goals- an idea that’ll I continue to carry into my future career.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
If I could live in any movie world it would be Pandora from Avatar because I am obsessed with their planet and how the ecosystem works. A TV world I wouldn’t want to live in however is the Walking Dead. I’ve had enough pandemics for one lifetime.
Nolan Tomshack
A little bit about me:
I’m Nolan, and I’m a senior majoring in Philosophy, Politics, Economics, and Law with a minor in Spanish!
How does being part of the CSF Committee prepare you for the job you’d like to have in the future?
I am a Connections and Outreach Specialist, and I think my position with the CSF will translate well into my career, as I hope to work somewhere at the crossroads of sustainability and legal.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
If I could live in any fictional world, I’d live in Barbie world because I love pink and would love to wake up looking perfect! On the flip side, I think living in the Star Wars world would be my worst nightmare because it seems like everything is very dangerous there.
Prarthanaa Singhal
A little bit about me:
Hello, I'm Prarthanaa, a senior at the Eller College of Management, majoring in Finance and Management Information Systems I'm currently one of the two Communications and Web Content Specialists for the Campus Sustainability Fund (CSF) at the University of Arizona. Through CSF, I've had the privilege of evaluating and voting on substantial grant proposals, steering resources towards sustainability projects, and managing grants worth $221,500. My role also involves preserving a 12-year legacy of grant data and boosting CSF's online presence.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
If I could step into a TV show, "The Bold Type" would be my top choice. With its emphasis on strong work ethics, relentless commitment to women's empowerment, and the portrayal of unbreakable female friendships, the series goes further beyond and tackles relevant social and workplace issues, such as feminism, diversity, and career aspirations, all of which align with my personal beliefs. However, the show that I would not want to live in would most definitely be Stranger Things, for obvious reasons, of course.
How does being part of the CSF Committee prepare you for the job you’d like to have in the future?
As for my future, I'm driven by a career in FinTech. The skills and experiences I've gained through my involvement with CSF are stepping stones toward my professional aspirations. Handling substantial grants, managing financial resources, and streamlining operations have honed my financial acumen and project management expertise. These skills make me well-prepared to excel in FinTech, where innovation meets finance.
Genesisgalilea Herrera
A little bit about me:
Hi my name is Genesisgalilea Herrera. I am a junior majoring in Information Science with a minor in Game Development. During my free time, I like to dance, read, and listen to music. I am currently in 2 dance teams, Dia Clones and Pyremix, where I can hang out with my friends and learn new dance skills. I also enjoy collecting little items and am currently trying to get back into art.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
A movie world I would want to live in would be any Studio Ghibli movie, specifically Howl’s Moving Castle. I think me and Howl would get along and be witch friends. A tv show world that I would not want to live in would be Alice in Borderland because I don’t think I have the skills to make it far.
How does being part of the CSF Committee prepare you for the job you’d like to have in the future?
I was previously an Environmental Science major my sophomore year and I have always enjoyed learning about sustainability and climate issues. So, when I had to change my major, I was feeling upset about having to leave the education environment of Environmental Science. Thankfully, being a part of the CSF Committee has allowed me to have an even more active role in sustainability while also using skills from my current major. This position has allowed me to realize that I want to work towards finding a career that fits into sustainability and Information Science/Game Development. Beyond this, I have also been fortunate to learn important skills from working with the committee, learning about sustainability, and reviewing grants.
Diego Palmisano
A little bit about me:
Hi, My name is Diego Palmisano. I am from Chicago, IL and I am a junior studying veterinary science. My hobbies include hiking, yoga, cooking, and running.
How does being part of the CSF Committee prepare you for the job you’d like to have in the future?
Working on the CSF for the last semester has been such a great and impactful experience. As a vetsci major, I think the skills learned from this job such as grant review and budgeting, will prepare me for hopefully owning my own clinic one day, while the outreach side of the job prepares me for working with people, which is arguably the most important job as a veterinarian.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
For a show world that I would want to live in, I choose Avatar the Last Airbender, but only I could be a water bender. I think living in a world where people could control the elements would be so fun. For a world I wouldn't want to live in, hunger games, for obvious reasons.
Osho Sharma
A little bit about me:
Hey all, I am Osho an international student from India double majoring in Computer Science and Mathematics. I am one of the DEI specialists for the CSF, and my primary role is to build relationships with diverse student/administrative organizations on campus. I have been in Tucson for a couple of years now, and I absolutely love it here!
How does being part of the CSF Committee prepare you for the job you’d like to have in the future?
CSF has allowed me to develop sensitivity to the nuances of climate change and actions requited to mitigate them, and as I plan to be in the finance industry after my master’s – which has in the past decade pushed sustainable growth amongst its firm, such a sensitivity would better align me with the industry’s motive.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
A TV show/movie world I would want to live in will be Succession, which although often dramatic delves with the world of high finance, something that I am highly interested in. A show I wouldn’t want to live in would be The Walking Dead, because who would want to be swarmed around by Zombies?
Staff Advisor, Pete Corrigan
A little bit about me:
Hello! I am Pete Corrigan, Associate Director of Employer and Alumni Connections for Student Engagement and Career Development at the University of Arizona. For as long as I can remember I have been picking up litter and pulling plastics and glass out of garbage cans to make sure they are processed in the appropriate fashion. I took my passion for sustainability to the next level when I became the Green Team Captain for Borderlands Brewery here in Tucson and graduated from the City of Tucson’s Master of Recycling Program. For the past three years I have served as the advisor to Students for Sustainability, a campus organization that does great sustainability work in the community.
How has being in the CSF committee positively impacted your interest in sustainability?
When the Office of Sustainability at the University of Arizona reached out to me to consider becoming an advisor to the Campus Sustainability Fund it was an easy decision. My role is to have input on the many proposals that come before the committee. The great student team makes the decisions, but I am in the conversation providing my thoughts and any information that I think my be helpful in their decision process. The knowledge I have learned about sustainability from the students is awe inspiring.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
If I had to live in a movie/TV show I would pick Dexter, I think we would get along and he wouldn't hurt me. One I would not want to be in is The Office because I work in an office already.
Fund Coordinator, Emily Haworth
A little bit about me
I’ve been the CSF Coordinator for two years now and am very happy to be at the University of Arizona. Part of my role here is to support campus community members in proposing and implementing projects, initiatives, events, and programs that make meaningful contributions to environmental and social sustainability goals. However, most of my time is spent supporting the wonderful students on the CSF Committee. When I’m not working, I like going for desert walks, cooking food for friends and family, and spending time with my kitten, Pigeon.
What TV show / movie world would you want to live in, and which one would you not want to live in? Why?
I think I’d do well living on the planet of Naboo from Star Wars because it has temples, oceans, and waterfalls. I wouldn’t want to live in Mad Max, because that’s hitting a little too close to home with the whole water wars element.
How has being in the CSF committee positively impacted your interest in sustainability?
Being surrounded by innovative and motivated students who are constantly seeking to improve campus and create a more resilient future is the best part of the job. Managing this program reminds me how fluid and malleable sustainability is and how easily it applies to every corner of our world, which gives me a lot of hope for our future.